Ahoy there! I'm Margot (she/her), the captain of this here ship: a fine vessel (website) which carries tales of my most exciting endeavors. Step aboard.
I got my feet wet in the backwater world of commercial film and TV. I’ve since followed my internal compass to lead teams to produce meaningful content and products while improving upon processes and systems.
I've spent over 10 years making waves across Asia, Europe, and the U.S., running a tight ship with thoughtful management to deliver nimble solutions and enhance efficacies. I earned my sea legs by collaborating with clients, agencies, artistic talent, and fending off project pirates. Pesky buggers.
I'm at my best working with my shipmates, of the multidisciplinary kind, navigating them through unknown territories to feasibly - and brilliantly - bring ideas and experiences to life. Fostering bonds with my crew and braving crusades of all breadths and depths comes naturally to me. Every worthy sea dog knows each ship is only as strong as the relationships that built it.
When not skippering a project, you can find me searching for treasure with my crew.